The story of Rain (Jen's version :) )
Hi! It's Thursday afternoon when the rain starts pouring again. I thought the storm passed by and this week we won't be expecting rain again. Why does the rain pour when you least expect it? Sometimes I was wondering why rain pours, of course there is scientific explanation for this, but why Almighty God created rain? Why such word "Rain" was created, did they know that the word 'rain' should be the right word to the water that pours from above? hehehe. Just kidding. I don't have much time to do today, so i thought i can write something about rain. So here it is. I have a story about rain. There was a girl who wishes to help the people from her place. She's a lovely girl from a poor family who lives in a desert, a place that receives an extremely low amount of precipitation, less than enough to support growth of most plants. She is a very diligent lady who loves helping others. One day on her journey in finding new species of plants, she was amazed by...