The story of Rain (Jen's version :) )

Hi! It's Thursday afternoon when the rain starts pouring again. I thought the storm passed by and this week we won't be expecting rain again. Why does the rain pour when you least expect it? Sometimes I was wondering why rain pours, of course there is scientific explanation for this, but why Almighty God created rain? Why such word "Rain" was created, did they know that the word 'rain' should be the right word to the water that pours from above? hehehe. Just kidding. I don't have much time to do today, so i thought i can write something about rain. So here it is.

I have a story about rain.

There was a girl who wishes to help the people from her place. She's a lovely girl from a poor family who lives in a desert, a place that receives an extremely low amount of precipitation, less than enough to support growth of most plants. She is a very diligent lady who loves helping others. One day on her journey in finding new species of plants, she was amazed by this clear, slippery, shiny, sparkling big liquid in her front. "Aha! An oasis! They'll be happy if they'll see this! This oasis is a big help for us!" the girl said. So she came back to the town and announces to everyone that she found an oasis! The people of the town in that desert was so merry! "We have source of water, alas!, but where did you find it?" someone said. "I was on my journey when i discovered it. The problem is, the oasis is far from here, a hundred mile before reaching it. How are we going to do?", answered and asked by the girl. "We will make way." a hopeful said by her parents. The people rejoices and they had feast for the very great news. They planned to arranged a journey to go to oasis as soon as possible, and studied how and what will they do.

In the morning, they start the journey, some are tired but they continue. As they reach the oasis, they are merrier than merry! They drink, swim, and play until they get tired. They are so happy that they have source of water but a problem crossed to their mind? How are they going to supply the water to their town, it is so far away. Someone suggested, "We made a wagon, so we can bring water to our town". And they made a big wagon to be pulled by their camel. They filled it with water, and on their middle of journey, they get fascinated why their camels looks so easy if they're carrying a wagon full of water, into their surprise as they open the wagon, the water is gone, it vaporizes before they reached the town. "It is not effective if we use wagon, the oasis is too far and the sun is so hot, it just vaporizes the water we took before reaching the town." someone said. "What if we made a pathway of the water, a river!" All agreed. So they started to make a river, they're not yet in the middle and all are tired from few months of digging. "It is not going to work, before we connect this river to our town, we are all standing with our knees." "I guess you are right, I suggest we should stop this, How about we live in beside the oasis, it's better than to do this." someone said, but someone declined, "I am not going to vacate my home and leave our land!" and they all agree. They go back to the town, sadly, failed and worn out. The girl was so sad upon hearing this, and every one in her town was hopeless. They had the source of water but they can't even use it. The girls gets angry, she is eager to help her townsmen but she don't know how. She went on a journey to the oasis with her anger and loved for her townsmen. When she reach the oasis, she said " Why do i need to discover this water if there is no way of using it to help my town from hunger and thirst! If there is nothing we can do to use this water, how i wish that this oasis be gone forever!", her tears fall from her eyes and silently wish that she can do something to make the town merry again. The girl left the oasis and continue her journey away from her town, away from the oasis and never come back again! Her parents and others searched their daughter, but no one found her.

On their search they come to the oasis, in their dismayed no single drop of water was left in the oasis, all are lonely. They came back to town to said this news. The whole town was in agony and they were frightened when they saw the sky gets darker and darker, and suddenly a single drop of water fall to the ground. They are amazed and from on drop, it continues to fall, several drops of water and it continues pouring until the ground gets wet. They are so happy and they have the water they desire for the past few months, every time the sky gets darker, the rain pours, and they had the water they need. and they called this water pours from above after the name of the girl who discovered the oasis, RAIN!

The end.

Have fun reading! :)


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