143 Ways to make life BETTER. :)

1.   Make the most of every moment.

2.   Unite. There is always strength in numbers.

3.   Everyday, make a list of five things you should thank God first.

4.   Donate while you're still alive. That way you know where your money is going.

5.   Give yourself enough love to share with others.

6.   Pay your taxes.

7.   Trust and learn what it means as opposed to naiveté.

8.   Give food, instead of money to street children.

9.   Buy only what you need.

10.     Spend within your means.

11.     Update your wardrobe regularly. What you haven't used lately, find a way to reuse or donate to charity.

12.     Don't sweat the small stuff. The bigger stuff needs all your attention.

13.     Vote.

14.     Commit.

15.     Do it.

16.     See the world.

17.     Travel on a shoestring. Some of the most brilliant experiences will come cheap.

18.     Make time for friends.

19.     Look good.

20.     Feel good.

21.     Look good for yourself. Approval of others is just a bonus.

22.     Value your time.

23.     Preserve your natural environment.

24.     Rest.

25.     Celebrate Life.

26.     Enjoy life.

27.     Travel light.

28.     Establish bonds.

29.     Make time for family.

30.     Let your children discover the wonders of the worlds.

31.     Ask questions.

32.     Set goals. Write them and work hard for them to come true.

33.     Take pictures; write on journals. The greatest gifts we're getting are the memories we're making.

34.     Appreciate the finer things in life.

35.     Discover the joy of giving.

36.     See the future in every child's eyes.

37.     Fly a kite on windy summer days.

38.     Honor your parents while you still have the chance.

39.     Play with a child. They will make you appreciate life's simple pleasures.

40.     Smile, even and especially on your worst days.

41.     Believe in people. Everyone deserves chances until they prove otherwise.

42.     Get organized. Cleaning your clutter cleans up your life.

43.     Live your dreams now.

44.     Believe in yourself.

45.     Believe that you deserve abundance and prosperity and so does the rest of the world.

46.     Never give up on your dreams.

47.     Claim what you deserve.

48.     Do not let others tell you what is best for you.

49.     Learn to say NO.

50.     Learn a new skill.

51.     Drink your vitamins.

52.     Recognize your own beauty.

53.     Drink eight to ten glasses of water. The many benefits still amaze doctors.

54.     Use natural candles instead of electrical lights during dinner. It saves electricity and boosts romance!

55.     You're worth it. Take control of your look and life.

56.     Make a great impression. Whether you like it or not, people judge you by your cover.

57.     Whip up your own beauty products. There are inexpensive ways to getting beautiful.

58.     Be spontaneous.

59.     Plan to bigger things than you think you're capable of.

60.     When you do something, do it in style.

61.     Buy original. You're paying not just for the quality, but the right to intellectual properties.

62.     Express yourself.

63.     Care.

64.     Be kind to animals.

65.     If you cannot treat animals like son or daughter, brother or sister, or friend, never have pets.

66.     Do not buy fur or ivory.

67.     Look back if only so you can make the right moves forward.

68.     Know your history.

69.     Save up for an extravagantly impractical purchase you've set your heart on.

70.     Do not settle for less.

71.     Love the person you are.

72.     Take care of yourself.

73.     Allow yourself indulgences a little bit wont hurt.

74.     Eat well.

75.     Use the freshest, finest ingredients when you cook. You deserve it.

76.     Surprise yourself. Try something out of character.

77.     Learn a new language.

78.     Follow your heart.

79.     Always put your best foot forward.

80.     Work hard.

81.     Work as though you own the company you work for.

82.     Think of work as an extension of yourself, as a tool to fulfill your life missions, as an instrument to leave a lasting legacy for the future generations.

83.     Treat inferiors with kindness and respect.

84.     Treat superiors with kindness and respect.

85.     Obey the Ten Commandments.

86.     Have faith.

87.     Practice humility.

88.     Make the most of your God-given talents.

89.     Support artists.

90.     Respect the legacy of your elders.

91.     Protect your national heritage.

92.     Listen.

93.     Sing like no one is listening,

94.     Be positive.

95.     Learn from others.

96.     Do not honor poverty by making a constant reality in your life.

97.     Try until you succeed. But know that some fights are not worth the effort.

98.     Always be in the lookout for the opportunities to educate you.

99.     Help others.

100.Read a good book, and don't limit yourself to the bestseller list.

101.Never define money as root of all evil.

102.Let go of past failures.

103.Live your dreams now.

104.Set your grudges free.

105.Love freely, without hesitation, without worries, without conditions. It's the only way.

106.Wisely choose the person you'll be with the rest of your life.

107.Admit it when you're wrong.

108.No one's perfect.

109.All things in life should be valued.

110.Take your time.

111.God knows what's best for us, just like our parents do.

112.Always thank God.

113.Always thank others even in the smallest things they do for us.

114.Be happy.

115.Laugh, to exercise our heart.

116.Don't be shy.

117.Take the lead.

118.We are made to make others happy.

119.Show your love and care. Don't let things to be late.

120.Be patient.

121.You are not alone.

122.Communicate well.

123.Everything changes, nothing is constant.

124.All things in life are temporary.

125.Never take some one or something for granted.

126.BE strong.

127.Never let your pride ruin everything.

128.Learn how to let go.

129.Learn how to move on.

130.Don't stop loving.

131.Strive hard.

132.BE mature.

133.Don't be selfish. Give.

134.Pause for a while and think, relax.

135.Solve problems.

136.Don't let others ruin your day.

137.Forgive and forget.

138.Always think of others first.


140.Be specific. Being too broad sometimes are boring.

141.Say what you want, what you feel, doesn't be afraid.

142.No one will hurt you, unless you're hurting your own self.

143.    Love GOD, family, friends, others, and YOURSELF.


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