Message from Christian Carter

Hey Jen,

  Do you ever feel frustrated that men don't
know how to "stick with it" in relationships?

  Like when you and a man have a great thing
going that keeps getting better, and you know it's
something special.

  But as soon as some little bump in the road
comes up, even if it's the kind of thing that
shouldn't come between you and a man in any
relationship... that's it. It's over.

  And there's no working through it.

  There's no trying to figure it out. 

  And there's no real explanation from him about
why his feelings changed.

  They just did.

  Things went from hot and heavy to ice cold
in no time flat.

  And even he can't or won't explain why. He's
just doesn't want to continue things anymore.

  What's going on here?

  Is this just the reality with men and how
they're so "flighty" when it comes to relationships?

  If you're open to it, I'd like to dig a little
deeper with you...

  Keep reading and I'll help you understand what
it is that makes a man unable to keep himself from
doing the things that will make his relationship
fulfilling, and the woman he's with happy.

  For starters, let me ask you...

  Do you often wonder why a lots of men (such as
the one you've dated) just doesn't seem to "get"
you, or get how to be with you in a loving

  And do you ever end up feeling like the man
you're with doesn't appreciate you for all the
things you do for him?

  And to add insult to injury when you're doing
all the work, he still seems to "shut down"
whenever you finally ask for the smallest thing
about what YOU NEED or want?

  What's up with that?

  This alone is enough to make you feel like men
just don't want to do what it takes to have a
great relationship.

  Let alone understanding what it is that makes
for a REAL RELATIONSHIP in the first place.

  Know what I'm talking about here?

  As a man who has spent a lot of time thinking
about how and why men act the way they do in
relationships, I've been able to see a few
different "versions" of what a relationship is,
and can be.

  And it's fascinating to see how men and women
can see and experience relationships in such
different ways.

  Well, over the years helping women, I've
learned that after a woman has had enough of the
same kinds of disappointing experiences in
relationship with men... something bad can happen-

  In the back of her mind, without even knowing
it consciously, you can start to BELIEVE that
ALL RELATIONSHIPS are doomed to end up in the same
way as the others you've had that keep repeating
in your life.

  Tell me if any of these situations with men
sound familiar to you:

-You do something helpful for him, and instead
of being grateful, he's annoyed and doesn't want
to be "bothered"

-You make all the plans and do all the "work" in
the relationship... and the more YOU DO, the LESS
he does

-The man you're with seems "together" at first,
but then he changes, starts acting distant and
distracted, and he forgets or ignores everything
you talk about or tell him

-He seems more interested in his work and his
hobbies and friends than in YOU or in doing
things together and taking part in your

  What's going on here?

  These are just a few of the unfortunately common
problems and situations that come up for women in
relationships with men who don't seem to care or

  If you've ever been in any of these situations
with a man, then you probably felt hurt and
frustrated at the same time.

  Why is it that so often a relationship can start
off so great, and then turn into such a STRUGGLE?

  Is it really that MEN don't know how to love

  Or is something else going on here?

  Something you might be able to easily change
and be able to quickly transform your old love
life into what it is you know it could be?

  wouldn't it be great to give and RECEIVE back
the kind of LOVE you know is possible in a truly
loving and committed relationship.

  Here's the first of 2 pieces of GOOD NEWS I
have for you-

  You can have the experience where things are
great in your relationship, not just in the
beginning when things are new and easy with a
man... but inside a loving, committed and lasting

  Things don't have to end up the way you might
be used to them ending up with a man.

  You can find and share what it is you're looking
for with a man... and you don't have to go out and
wait for luck and fate to finally smile upon you
after all these years and allow a relationship
with a man to work out.

  Almost ANY difficult situation with a man can
turn around 180 degrees if you just know WHAT MAKES

  Do you know what it is that makes a man feels
this way?

  Do you know what it is that INSPIRES the things
that are already there deep inside a man that only
the right woman, and the right situation can bring
out in even the most previously "unavailable" man?

  Here's a hint-

  There's a few specific FEELINGS you can have a
man share and experience with you... and when a man
FEELS these when he's with you, he will not only
be INSPIRED to want to be with you, but he'll be
inspired to be a BETTER man in a relationship with

  And when a man starts to FEEL these things,
guess what starts to happen to all those problems
and annoying situations I mentioned earlier that
happen when things aren't going well in your

  You'd be shocked to know how ALL of these things
that used to be worries or problems simply start
to disappear.

  All of them.

  I've seen this happen for tons of women... and
I've helped women make this kind of shift or
transition happen in their relationships in a few
short days.

  Sometimes even in a few short moments.

  Here's part of how it works-

  See... men have a kind of "on" and "off" switch
in their minds.

  And with a man, this switch takes what you say
and do and instantly puts it into one of two

  The most incredible part is, most women go
their entire lives never knowing about this
"switch"... and are never aware that a man is
putting them into a category in his mind that
could basically guarantee that he'll NEVER FEEL
excited about creating and growing a real and
lasting relationship.

  On the other hand, for a woman who does know
what these 2 categories are for a man, and how
they work in a man's mind and can cause him to see
you as not just "relationship material" but as THE
ONE WOMAN he wants to be with... then this switch
makes things very very simple.

  Well, as luck would have it I'm going to share
with you what these 2 categories are right now.

  And with the help of a new friend of mine...
I'm going to show you everything you need to know
about how these thing work in a man's mind and why
a man either simply KNOWS that a woman is right
for him... or he just doesn't FEEL IT.

  So what are the 2 categories that the switch
in a man's mind puts how you as a woman act around

  I'll tell you...

  The 2 categories are simple, but very important
and powerful-

  WIN or LOSE.

  A man either experiences what it's like to be
with you, both in your relationship, and in the
moment, as it being a "Win" or a "Loss."

  I'll explain what these mean real quick so you
start to get the idea. Here's how it works...

  A man takes what's happening around him when
he's with you and, on an UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL,
decides whether what you're doing and what he's
feeling around you makes him feel like he's

  Which means...

  A man either feels APPRECIATED by you, without
you really having to do much of anything. And
because of this he feels good about himself and
how things are when he's with you.

  This is what makes being around you a "Win" in
a man's mind.

  Or, on the other hand...

  A man feels CRITICIZED and attacked by you,
without you even meaning to make him feel this
way. And therefore he feels bad about himself and
how things are when he's with you.

  This makes being around you a "Loss."

  Of course, this is operating off a bit more of
a complex and detailed level. But those are the
basics you need to know for now.


  Knowing this, think back to the last
conversation you had with a man that was either
about your relationship, or about HIM.

  How did he FEEL after talking to you?

  "On" and happy... like a WINNER?

  Or did it shut him down, because he felt
DEFEATED somehow?

  Think about it.

  What if the man you're with who has showed
you before how much he loves and cares about you
isn't just being distant and "unavailable"?

  What if he's feeling somehow "slighted" or
put down in your relationship by you ACCIDENTALLY?

  What if your desire to improve your relationship
is making him feel like he isn't good enough all
on his own?

  What if his inability to understand and handle
your EMOTIONS make him feel like an outsider who
doesn't get it, and is incapable?

  It's an interesting change of PERSPECTIVE.

  One that's at the very least worth trying out.

  Now let me ask you this...

  What if EVERY TIME you talked to your man,
whether it was a quick 5 minute phone call or a
long, heart-felt conversation, he couldn't stop
thinking loving and affectionate thoughts about
you? Even long after the conversation was over?

  And what if, AT THE SAME TIME, you felt adored,
understood and you knew he was finally LISTENING
to what you were saying?

  What if he started planning amazing dates,
started calling you just to hear your voice, or
became more affectionate every day of your
relationship just because he felt that way and
wanted to?

  Wouldn't that feel great?

  Would you want this to keep growing?

  Of course you would.

  In that case, I have a second piece of GOOD
NEWS for you-

  It's not only possible to have these kinds of
amazing experiences happening in your relationship
with a man...

  It's also much easier than you think.


  Only if you know the way to talk to a man that
turns on the "win" switch in his mind much more
often than the "lose" switch.

  So how do you create those positive "WIN"
feelings for a man when he's with you... and how
do you get him to be doing the same for you in
his own way?

  I'm very excited to share with you the answer
here... because I just had a special friend of
mind share all these secrets and more in an
Interview we just did together.

  His name is Adam Gilad, and he's an expert in
knowing how to COMMUNICATE the feelings that
attract and keep men and women together in lasting
and fulfilling relationships.

  He's the author of the book for women, "How To
Get Your Guy Online" and has also spent many years
teaching men how to find their dream woman online.

  Adam is also a scholar of language and

  As a matter of fact, he used to be a professor
and taught language and writing at

  More importantly for you, Adam has spent years
on his own path studying how Men and Women connect
in Love and on the deeper aspects of relationships.

  He not only knows what men want, but is able
to teach women how to COMMUNICATE to a man the
right words that will allow him to recognize the real
and authentic you, and feel INSPIRED to want to
get to know you and be close to you.

  The reality is that every time a woman
communicates with a man... whether in an online
profile, an email, or in spoken conversation, it's
a NEW OPPORTUNITY to trigger what Adam calls
"Devotion" in a man.

  But ONLY IF she knows what effect her words
have on a man.

  Adam has helped thousands of men and women
find, identify and attract the right partner
online by teaching them exactly what personality
traits to SEEK OUT or AVOID.and to do that by
reading BETWEEN THE LINES of online profiles or

  Words hold a lot of power.

  For one thing, they hold the power to ATTRACT
and REPEL the man of your dreams.

  In my interview with Adam, he gave many
specific examples, using real profiles he found
on the Internet, of words that either engage and
intrigue a man, make him indifferent, or repel
him altogether.

  And his insights on words and feelings went
way deeper than just online dating.

  Adam also revealed:

-The ONE CRITICAL way to "speak a man's language"
so that he will love being around you and will
work hard to be a better partner for you everyday.

-Are the words and phrases you're using online or
in EVERYDAY CONVERSATION say that you're a
"princess" or "goddess"? And does it matter?
Actually, it matters a LOT. Find out why, and how
you can develop the confident, sensual energy all

-How to gracefully ward off the "bad guys" online
and at the same time DRAW IN the good guys by
communicating what they REALLY want to hear when
they read a woman's profile

-The critical MISTAKES you may be making online
that are scaring away QUALITY MEN so they won't
even think about writing you. What you NEED TO
KNOW about how you're describing yourself and what
you want online so you don't waste a single day
sifting through worthless winks or low-quality

-The careless mistake so many women make when
they communicate that makes their man want to
RETREAT and want to MOVE ON. If you've ever had
a man tell you he's unhappy or leave, you
absolutely need to hear this

-The 2 ways of communicating to a man: one of them
works to INSPIRE and attract a man to you and to
give you what you want, and the other way
DEVASTATES a man so that he can't get away from
you fast enough. Find out which one you're doing
every time you talk to your man

-The MOST IMPORTANT character trait a woman should
look for in a man's online profile - along with
specific examples of the things that almost
guarantee that a man's a truly "good guy" who will
make a great partner and "relationship material"

-What it is that most attractive, quality men WORRY
ABOUT when it comes to COMMITTING, even to a great
woman? (Here's a hint about this strange truth: it
has something to do with the economy... and the
answer will astound you!)

-The "Sweet Spot" With A Man: Every man wants to be
with a woman whose personality falls somewhere in
between these two unattractive extremes. Most women
don't know what these two "danger spots" are. Hear
what these two important extremes are to a man, and
learn specific examples of how to put yourself into
that "sweet spot" where a man can't help be drawn
to you as his long term PARTNER and his best and
only LOVER

-Find out what a man is really thinking and feeling
when he says, "I want my freedom." Knowing this can
EASE YOUR MIND and help you know exactly how to
easily make your man want to take your relationship
to the "next level."

-A "How-To" guide to writing your ONLINE PROFILE so
that the right man reading it will be attracted by
you and inspired to contact you and meet you. This
is a sentence-by-sentence HOW-TO on writing the
kind of profile that will intrigue a man so much
he won't be able to resist you. Adam uses real world
examples so that you can actually match the tips
to real words and phrases.

-And much more...

  As you can see, Adam shared a TON of amazing
insights and tips... and he revealed the real
underlying needs men and women have to feel happy
in relationships... and how you can both easily
get more of your needs met while DOING LESS to
meet more of a man's needs in a fun and easy way.

  To be honest, I was pretty blown away with
some of the stuff Adam shared with me when I
interviewed him.

  And, in fact, my time with Adam was so amazing
that I decided to release the full recording of
what he and I talked about as my latest edition
of my "Monthly Interviews" series.

  But here's THE BEST NEWS OF ALL-

  If you're ready now... I'm going to let you
listen to this entire Interview and all the great
lessons in it for free.

  No strings or obligations. No tricks.

  I'll simply ship you a copy of this audio
interview on a single CD and you can listen to
it whenever and wherever you want.

  Why am I doing this?

  I REALLY want you to hear everything Adam has
to say, because I think what's in this Interview
could make the difference in your life between a
more loving and intense connection with a man...
and yet another frustrating dead-end or failed

  It's really that important.

  I don't want you to keep making the same
mistakes over and over... whether you're just
looking to meet a great guy, or you're already
dating a man or in a relationship.

  The advice Adam shares in this Interview comes
from years and years of his own experiences,
research and study of what works and why...

  And I'm 100% confident that after listening to
my Interview with Adam, you're going to have not
only a deeper understanding of men, or the one man
you're with right now... but you'll have an easy
time creating the kind of shared experiences and
relationship you really want with a man but just
haven't been able to fully put together.

  In fact, I'm so sure that you're going to love
this Interview and get a ton of great personal
insights out of it that I'm going to do something
special here...

  If you're ready to take your understanding of
men to a more "evolved" place, and enjoy the
benefits that will come with it, then I'm going to
make it incredibly easy and risk free for you...

  If you're ready, I'm going to send you a copy
of the Interview I did with Adam on CD for free...
AND I'm going to pay for the shipping myself.

  And if that wasn't enough, just because you're
raising your hand and letting me know you'd like
to really jump-start your own growth and learning
when it comes to love and relationships... I'll
do you one better-

  I'll also send you 2 of my other best Interviews
with relationship experts as a free bonus, because
I know that if you love my Interview with Adam,
then you're going to love these other 2 as well.

  Yes, I really am simply offering to send you
my latest expert Interview AND the 2 best
Interviews that other women who listened to them
are still raving about.

  And I'll do it right now for $0 out of your
pocket, and NEVER ask for you to pay for these
3 "freebies" ever.

  Listen to all of them when it's convenient for
you and absorb all the valuable tips and advice...
and after an entire month I'll ask you to do one
small favor for me-

  Simply decide after 30 days if you want to
continue getting new interviews like these each
month in the future to keep your learning going
and be part of the amazing group of guest experts
I find each month.

  But again, no obligation.

  If you decide you don't want to continue with
the program, just tell me and I won't send you
any more Interviews.

  The "catch" here, in case you're looking for
it, is this...

  I know you'll get a lot of value out of
these interviews. And I know they'll change your
perspective... and your love life.

  You're going to learn things you've never
thought of or recognized before about men, love
and relationships.

  And I'm betting that once you hear the amazing
conversations and insights my guest experts and I
talk about in detail, you'll want to keep getting
my latest Interviews each month like so many other
women do and love.

  Of course, the downside here for me is that
you could just take advantage of me and "try out"
my Interview series, have me ship you all 3 free
right now... and you could have no intention of
ever staying with my Monthly Interview Series.

  Get a free copy of the Interview I did with
Adam Gilad right now, along with the other 2
"freebies", by going here:

  You'll get Adam's interview and the other 2
free bonus interviews sent to your mailbox right

  By the way, Adam was a recent guest speaker
at my latest Seminar. And every single woman in
the room went absolutely wild for the things he
taught them not only about men (and how to INSPIRE
a man to be a great lover and partner)... but
about how to get a man to be the one to do HIS PART
and help grow and carry your relationship forward.

  Adam spoke at my "Finding Love Online" seminar
under his former pen name, and really added a lot
of value to this entire program that cover online
dating from A to Z.

  On a related note... if you have already tried,
or thought about trying ONLINE DATING, let me ask

  Have you put a ton of effort and time into
putting together a great online profile only to
have zero quality responses, or worse, emails that
seem promising but are ultimately "dead ends"?

  There are so many attractive, quality men
online... but the problem is you're either:

1) not getting his attention at all or

2) he writes you once or twice and then stops
writing altogether

3) he seems uninterested in you even though you've
read his profile and you know you'd be a great

  So what's the story here?

  Is there some secret to online dating that
you're not "getting" or are all the men online
just a bunch of flakes?

  Or are YOU doing something wrong?

  Finding and meeting the perfect man online
isn't impossible. As a matter of fact it's easier
than ever IF you know the special attraction
"language" to use.

  It's as easy as knowing the right WORDS and
PHRASES to use and avoid... so you don't miss
connecting with the right man for you.

  This is why my latest interview with Adam is
the perfect free bonus to my newest CD/DVD program
"Finding Love Online."

  Not only would you get all of Adam's fantastic
tips on how to get a man "feeling" it for you by
making him think you're the ONLY woman who can
really understand him and make him happy...

  But you'd get my in-depth "how-to" program on
Finding Love Online that will show you specific
tips and tricks on how to quickly and easily do
all of the following:

-identify the right kind of guy online from all
the WRONG ONES that will waste your time

-write a profile that a man CAN'T RESIST responding

-ask the right questions to see if a man is WORTH
meeting in person

-take it from cyberspace to the real world SAFELY
AND QUICKLY and get his interest so he'll ask you
out again and again

  In my "Finding Love Online" program I show you
all the ways to STAND OUT and be noticed... as
well as the 5 things to avoid writing in any
profile or email so a quality man doesn't CRINGE
when he reads it (and makes him think you're boring
or "needy").

  Details about this program are right here:

  Now, here's something you might want to take
me up on...

  If you think you'd like to try out my "Finding
Love Online" program and also listen to the 2-hour
interview I did with Adam, and get the 2 free bonus
interviews too, here's what I'm willing to do for
you today...

  I'll ship ALL of the following to you risk-free
so you can try it out:

1) My newest program "Finding Love Online" on CD
or DVD for you to try out and see if you love it
for a full 30 days

2) My interview with Adam on audio CD for you to
listen to and KEEP, regardless if you want to
continue with the Monthly Interview Series or not

3) The 2 additional bonus Interviews absolutely
FREE and for you to keep no matter what

  Plus, I'll ship all of this to you at my expense
so you don't have to pay a single thing to try it
all out and start improving your life.

  I'll only ask that you do one thing...

  You have to let me know before Midnight on
August 8th that you'd like to try all these amazing
materials out for free, or else I can't get you the
Adam Interview with all this.

  Here's a way I've made this SUPER SIMPLE...

  All you need to do if you're ready is go here
to read the detailed letter about my "Finding Love
Online" program and near the bottom of the page
you'll click on the "Free Trial" button.

  After you do this, you'll automatically be asked
if you'd also like to get my Monthly Interviews
free trial.

  Just click "yes" and you're set.

  That's really all there is to it, and you'll
get to try out and learn from all these amazing
materials risk free.

  So go here now:

  And let me know how you like all the great
materials I send you.

  I'll talk to you again soon, and best of luck
in Life and Love.

      Your friend,

      Christian Carter


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